Glutathione (GSH GSSG) Assay Kit

NWLSS | Northwest Life Science Specialties, LLC.
Glutathione (GSH GSSG) Assay Kit
NWK-GSH01 $475.00 each

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A kinetic, rate based assay for quantification of total glutathione (GSH), both reduced and oxidized, in a variety of samples including blood, plasma, tissues and cultured cells. This kit is also suitable for measurement of oxidized GSH (GSSG) after scavenging of reduced GSH.

Advantages of the NWLSS™ Glutathione (GSH GSSG) Assay:
  • Excellent sensitivity as low as 5 pMol
  • Can detect glutathione disulfide (GSSG) when samples are pre-treated with suitable thiol-scavenger, such as 4vinylpyridine (4VP) or NEM


Glutathione (GSH, g-glutamylcysteinylglycine), the primary non-protein sulfhydryl in aerobic organisms is synthesized in most cells. The ubiquitous tripeptide is formed by the combination of glutamic acid and cysteine, catalyzed by g-glutamylcysteinyl synthetase. Glycine is then added by glutathione synthetase to form GSH.

In addition to donating an electron during the reduction of hydroperoxides to the respective alcohols (or water in the case of hydrogen peroxide), GSH functions as a co-substrate in the metabolism of xenobiotics catalyzed by glutathione S-transferases. It is also a co-factor for several metabolic enzymes is involved in intracellular transport, functions as an antioxidant and radioprotectant and facilitates protein folding and degradation.

Test Principle

The NWLSS™ Glutathione Assay is a modification of the method first described by Tietze. The general thiol reagent, 5-5'-dithiobis[2-nitrobenzoic acid] (DTNB, Ellman's Reagent) reacts with GSH to form the 412 nm chromophore, 5-thionitrobenzoic acid (TNB) and GS-TNB. The GS-TNB is subsequently reduced by glutathione reductase and β-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH), releasing a second TMB molecule and recycling the GSH; thus amplifying the response. Any GSSG initially present in the reaction mixture or formed from the mixed disulfide reaction of GSH with GS-TNB is rapidly reduced to GSH and detectable in the assay.

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Zheng Zhou, Mario Vailati-Riboni, Daniel N. Luchini and Juan J. Loor
Nutrients ,  2017, 9(1), 10

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Plos One ,  June 26, 2015

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Rumen-protected methionine compared with rumen-protected choline improves immunometabolic status in dairy cows during the peripartal period
Z. Zhou, O. Bulgari, M. Vailati-Riboni, E. Trevisi, M.A. Ballou, F.C. Cardoso, D.N. Luchini, J.J. Loor
Journal of Dairy Science, August 31, 2016, Available Online

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The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, Volume 79, October 2016, Pages 151–157

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Progression of Ventricular Remodeling and Arrhythmia in the Primary Hyperoxidative State of Glutathione-Depleted Rats
Sayaka Kurokawa, Shinichi Niwano, Hiroe Niwano, Shoko Ishikawa, Jun Kishihara, Yuya Aoyama, Tomoko Kosukegawa, Yoshihiko Masaki, Tohru Izumi
Circulation Journal , (2011) Vol. 75, No. 6 p. 1386-1393

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For Research Use Only

Catalog Number: NWK-GSH01
Format: 192 tests presented as 2 X 96 well microtiter plate assays. Cuvette format for spectrophotometers also available.
Sample Requirements: Whole blood, plasma, tissues and cell lysates.
Specificity: Total Glutathione (GSH plus GSSG)
Sensitivity: 0.1 µM using standard method (for whole blood & some tissue types). 0.005 µM using modified high sensitivity method (for samples with lower GSH levels such as plasma or for detection of GSSG after reduced GSH has been scavenged). Contact NWLSS for details.
Intended Use: Quantitative measurement of total GSH (reduced plus oxidized form)
Storage and Stability: 12 months from date of manufacture if stored at 2-8C
Kit Contents: DTNB Reagent
NADPH Diluent
GR Enzyme
GSH (GSSG) Calibrator
Assay Buffer
Random Citation

Oxidative Stress and Nutritional Intakes in Lung Patients With Bronchiolitis Obliterans Syndrome 
Madill, E. Aghdassi, B.M. Arendt, C. Gutierrez, L. Singer, C.-W. Chow, S. Keshavjee, J.P. Allard 
Transplantation Proceedings November 2009, Volume 41, Issue 9, Pages 3838-3844 

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